First Munich - Canada Diabetes Research PhD Exchange

The first Munich - Canada Diabetes Research PhD Exchange offers highly motivated Phd students from the Helmholz Diabetes Center in Munich and the Alberta Diabetes Institute in Canada to network and discuss their research and ideas on all aspects from basic to translational diabetes research. The Munich - Canada Diabetes Research PhD Exchange will take place at the University of Alberta, Canada from May 12th - May 20th 2018.

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The exchange incorporates a joint symposium, lectures, technology training with expert scientists, in addition to clinical visits and metabolism studies, where students learn new techniques and translational approaches, present their research and meet international young scientists. Professional career training from the University of Alberta Career Service will complete the program and support students in career orientation and organization of the essential steps towards their goals.

The Canada - Munich Diabetes Research Exchange will take place at the University of Alberta, Canada from May 12th - May 20th 2018.